Moorbach's Guard
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Joined: 15 Apr 2012, 12:11
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The Spring Script
Few days ago i painted some tiles on one of my project when looked on it and got an idea. The idea was a kind of simulation of the winter. Lots of time heard about the winter is a double edge sword. The winter is good and bad if we think on it from battle point of view.
The rivers and lakes are frozen so easily can walk across them, but going to far without food an d supply is risky.
Now I've written a script to one of my already ready map which is very well ft for this idea.
I remeber when I made map Iceline that was created a kind of Spring theme map. After complete freezed it andbe The well known Cold Water.
Now the spring again visit the map via a script.
The script is simple. Only switching two different type of tiles. The frozen walkable lake tile to the not walkable water-frozen corner type and of course back.
The switching process happening randomly between 8-18 minutes. Always happening at the same time and takes approximately 30second while the whole map converting itself. (very small lag at game start and when switching process is happening, but not worse when a very far palyer or somebody else would lagging lagging )
If an unit standing on the walkable tile when that would be transitioning itself then the unit will swimm and the river'll take his body. The units can not swimmmmmm.
With this script the Cold Water Spring edition get two face:
1st the original opened map
and te 2nd where the two middle players stuck in the middle of the map face to face, the rest 4 players are in quite safe postion when the rivers are melted.
As always have fun! ... rajBI/view