KaM battle simulator
The aim is to build the battle mechanics of KaM but without any graphics or animation. At the moment the code only handles TSK 1on1 close combat fights. There is nothing to release yet but the results from the 1on1 fights.
Each military unit had to fight against each other a million times. The uncertainty of the presented numbers is in the range of 0.1%.
The results for bowman and crossbowman is not valid because, as said, I only simulated close combats. The long-distance fighters would have 0% each, but to give you a feeling of their strength they were dealt as close combat fighters.
To my surprise the results were a bit different than I expected, especially for the pikeman, who is way stronger than I thought.

The table has to be read this way:
For example I'm interested in the probability that a lance carrier wins agains a scout. The lance carrier will strike first. His win probability then is 79%.
If the scout strikes first, the probability of the lance carrier is (100% - 25%) = 75%.
This becomes interesting when a pikeman meets a barbarian (warrior). Both units are of merely equal strength in TSK.