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Some Russian version naming debates



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King Karolus

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Post 13 Nov 2010, 11:40

Some Russian version naming debates

There are a bunch of different names used for the same things in the Russian version of the game (not to mention I've received some requests to change certain stuff to something else). I thought it would be nice to get some opinions as to what name would fit the best. The names written in italics are what I'm currently leaning toward using, but since I don't know Russian I naturally have no clue which name suits the best.

Some of the names will probably be in plural whilst others in singular in the list since I don't know how to change the word from plural to singular and vice versa.

Камнетес, каменотес

Animal breeder
Животновод, Скотовод

Разведчик, Дозорные

Рыцарь, Рыцарская гвардия

Бандит, Бродяги

Бродяга, Сквайры

Доски, Древесиной (wouldn't this be a better translation of timber though?)

Кони, Лошади (I've heard that Лошади would be better as it is a more generic term for horses, but it is my understanding that the horses that were used for battle would be better referred to with the name Кони?)

Tree trunk
Бревна, Деревья

Зерно, Пшеница, кукуруза

Weapons workshop
Оружейный цех, Оружейная мастерская (heard мастерская is a better translation of workshop though?), Оружейная

Armory workshop
Цех доспехов, Мастерская по доспехам, Мастерская доспехов, Кузница доспехов

Siege worshop
Цех осадных орудий (if the rest are changed from Цех to Мастерская, should this one too?)

Weapon smithy
Оружейная кузница, Кузница

Armor smithy
Кузница доспехов, Доспешная

Town hall
Ратуша, Муниципалитет

Any opinions would be highly appreciated!


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Post 13 Nov 2010, 16:29

Камнетёс (sounds better)

Animal breeder
Животновод (sounds more domestic, less offensive meaning than the other)

Разведчик (better)

Рыцарь (other translation is over-loaded with meaning something else)

Бандит (other word is plural, where everything else is in single form)

Бродяга (better, and not confused with Scout)

Доски (should be noun)

Кони (you are right about military connection)

Tree trunk
Бревна (other variant is stupid)

Зерно, Пшеница (3rd translation is hilariously wrong, 2nd is better, but both are good)

Weapons workshop Оружейная мастерская
Armory workshop Мастерская доспехов
Siege worshop Осадная мастерская
Weapon smithy Оружейная кузница
Armor smithy Кузница доспехов
(all these should be uniform)

Town hall
Ратуша, Муниципалитет (I don't have opinion about this one - never liked it irregardless of name)

Now would be interesting to discuss the translations :)
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King Karolus

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Post 15 Nov 2010, 14:20

Great, thanks for your opinion! :) I went with all of the names you suggested and chose Зерно over Пшеница and Ратуша over Муниципалитет.
Now would be interesting to discuss the translations :)
Anything in particular you had in mind?


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Post 16 Nov 2010, 06:56

Well, IMHO suggested translations are better, but maybe someone thinks they aren't? Then we could discuss and find the true best names :)

I like your choice. I put my vote for Зерно and Ратуша.

P.S. I will mirror this topic in Russian forum, maybe that helps :)
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Post 16 Nov 2010, 10:19

A Russian forum? Could you post a link to it?


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Post 16 Nov 2010, 10:41

Here's the link to forum:
and thread about names:

I will post results (best translations) here in few days
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Post 17 Nov 2010, 10:11

I've asked in Russian forum and after some discussion we decided to translate:

Town Hall
Гильдия наемников (mercenaries guild) that reflects the meaning and sounds the best in Russian
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King Karolus

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Post 18 Nov 2010, 19:18

I would really like to disagree with that name though, as it quite far from a translation. Town hall for hiring mercenaries might sound a bit weird, but it's probably supposed to be a central place where people from all around gather and hence there are mercenaries available there for hire.


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Post 19 Nov 2010, 06:18

Well, there are ONLY mercenaries available for hire, no other TownHall-features.. There's no Russian word with same meaning. So thats why MercenariesGuild fits best :)
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Post 19 Nov 2010, 19:38

Well if you check the English Wikipedia article for town hall here and then take the Russian version of the page, the word they use is Ратуша.


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Post 20 Nov 2010, 00:24

I agree that Mercenaries Guild is a more appropriate name than Town Hall, but I think that the translations need to be consistent. The names take on their own meaning after playing the game for a while anyway. For example, "Metallurgist's" would make a lot more sense if it was called "Gold Smelter", as "Metallurgist's" means "Place where metal expert lives" :P But every KaM fan knows what "Metallurgist's" means so there is no need to change it. The slightly strange translations are one of KaM's charms for me, e.g. axefighter always made me laugh because it's such an unusual literal translation, but now it has a new meaning to me in the context of KaM.

I think it's best if the translations remain consistent because then if I'm talking to a Russian in English "Town Hall" will have meaning to them rather than being a confusing translation.

Just thought I'd offer my opinion.


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Post 20 Nov 2010, 15:01

I can foresee one problem with this thing regarding the use of "ё" instead of "е" in "Камнетёс". If I have understood correctly, the Russian language permits both "ё" and "е" be used in written language in cases where the "ё" sound occurs.

I just checked the KaM scripts and "ё" doesn't occur a single time so they obviously made the decision to use "е" instead of "ё" in cases where the "ё" sound occurs (I'm assuming the sound can't be that rare as to not occur a single time in the KaM scripts). Now I would like to have the "ё" sound represented as "ё" in the Russian translation of the game, but unless someone starts looking through the script replacing every "е" with "ё" where applicable, I think it would look quite unprofessional to use "ё" just in "Камнетёс" and then leave the other cases where this same sound occurs written as "е".

Do you think anyone in the Russian forum would be interested in taking over such a monstrous task?


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Post 23 Nov 2010, 06:50

I agree with Lewin, everything well said and argumented :)

As for "ё" - okay, that makes sense to keep "e" everywhere. I don't think anyone will take a task to re-read whole KaM texts in search for occasional "ё". Maybe later ..
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Post 27 Aug 2011, 17:33

I need some quick Russian help (hoping to push out the Russian beta 7 finally late this month/early next month). Since some names have been changed and there seems to be a large inconsistency in the names to begin with I'm hoping to get this corrected.

The following lines need to be fixed:
FARMER DESCRIPTION Крестьянин сеет и жнет зерно в крестьянском дворе. Кроме того, в винном подвале он давит виноград и получает вино.[/quote]The vineyard is called "винодельня" in the translation, not "винном подвале". The line should be fixed to accommodate this. [code]CARPENTER DESCRIPTION Столяр работает на лесопилке, в оружейной мастерской и в мастерской по изготовлению доспехов и снаряжения. Кроме того, плотник может строить баллисты и катапульты в мастерской.[/quote]The armory workshop is called "Мастерская доспехов" and the siege workshop is called "Осадная мастерская" in the translation. The line should be fixed to accommodate this. [code]BAKER DESCRIPTION Пекарь печет хлеб и булочки в пекарне. Дополнительно к этому он на ветряной мельнице мелет зерно и получает муку.[/quote]The mill is called "Мельница" in the translation. The line should be fixed to accommodate this. [code]BUTCHER DESCRIPTION Мясник делает колбасные изделия в мясном цеху и выделывает кожу в кожевенной мастерской.[/quote]The tannery is called "Дубильня" in the translation. The line should be fixed to accommodate this. [code]BLACKSMITH DESCRIPTION Тяжелые доспехи, снаряжение и оружие изготавливаются кузнецом в оружейной мастерской и мастерской по изготовлению доспехов и военного снаряжения.[/quote]The weapon smithy is called "Оружейная кузница" and the armor smithy is called "Кузница доспехов" in the translation. The line should be fixed to accommodate this. I also need the following line translated since it seems whoever previously translated it totally misunderstood the real point of it (and merely translated the part about building military installations close to the barracks): [code]If you are to equip soldiers from your barracks, you also need to produce weapons for your soldiers. Have your laborers build a weapons workshop near your barracks so that you can ensure quick delivery of weapons.[/quote] Thanks for the help!


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Post 28 Aug 2011, 10:59

FARMER DESCRIPTION Крестьянин сеет и жнет зерно на ферме. Кроме того, в винодельне он давит виноград и получает вино.[/quote] [code]CARPENTER DESCRIPTION Столяр работает на лесопилке, в оружейной мастерской и в мастерской доспехов. Кроме того, плотник может строить баллисты и катапульты в осадной мастерской.[/quote] [code]BAKER DESCRIPTION Пекарь печет вкусный хлеб в пекарне. (Baker bakes tasty bread in Bakery) Помимо этого он мелет зерно и получает муку на мельнице.[/quote] [code]BUTCHER DESCRIPTION Мясник делает колбасные изделия в мясном цеху и выделывает кожу в дубильне.[/quote] [code]BLACKSMITH DESCRIPTION Тяжелые доспехи, снаряжение и оружие изготавливаются кузнецом в оружейной кузнице и кузнице по изготовлению доспехов и военного снаряжения.[/quote] [code]If you are to equip soldiers from your barracks, you also need to produce weapons for your soldiers. Have your laborers build a weapons workshop near your barracks so that you can ensure quick delivery of weapons.[/quote] Когда вы соберетесь снаряжать солдат в ваших бараках, вам также понадобится произвести оружие для них. Прикажите своим строителям построить оружейную мастерскую поблизости, чтобы ваши слуги могли быстро доставить вооружение. Thanks for the help![/quote]
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