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Aynone up for helping with a French translation?



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King Karolus

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Post 26 Nov 2011, 13:21

Aynone up for helping with a French translation?

I recently became aware of the fact that TPR was in fact released in France in very limited numbers so naturally it would be nice to also support the French version of the game with the patch. I realize that the KaM Remake is already available in French so most of the translating work is already done, but what would be needed is to get what the French TPR briefing narrator says transcribed so that the actual briefing text would be consistent with the narration (download the narration from here). I do have the official briefings as well, but from what my untrained French ear can make out, the two actually differ greatly. Feel free to check out the official briefing text here though.

Also I noticed that the KaM Remake translations mission messages have been largely rewritten. Heard the official translation was far from great so I assume that might be the reason behind this?



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Post 26 Nov 2011, 14:44

I never found TPR in France :o
In fact, I would really like to have it !

I'll write what the narration says, just the time for me to do it !
From what I read in the .txt, the mission messages are not really well translated indeed !



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Post 26 Nov 2011, 15:40

Done ! In fact, the translation used by the narrator is really better, and the texts were truly weird, with a lot of french mistakes and horrors ! :p
Mission 1 Les Ren?gats essaient d'imposer leur tyrannie sur les quelques paysans encore fid?les au royaume. Aux portes du palais royal des paysans innocents sont massacr?s, vous ne pouvez pas laisser faire cela ! Forcez les attaquants ? battre en retraite. Mission 2 Apr?s avoir apport? une aide efficace ? nos paysans, nous devons encore rendre leur libert? aux autres paysans. Une importante arm?e ennemie venant du Nord arrive tout droit sur nous. A l?attaque ! Mission 3 Apr?s la bataille victorieuse, vous avez maintenant le temps de reconstruire les villes et les villages d?vast?s et d?assurer l?approvisionnement de vos sujets. Ensuite, vous devriez lib?rer les colonies occup?es du Nord et combattre la loi tyrannique impos?e par les Ren?gats aristocrates. ?pargnez la population rurale et battez-vous seulement contre les soldats ennemis stationn?s dans cette contr?e. Mission 4 Nos guetteurs ont aper?u des mouvements de troupes dans les colonies alentours. Le grand nombre de soldats ennemis nous laisse croire qu?ils ont sans doute un camp fortifi?. Trouvez-le et d?truisez tous les b?timents militaires ennemis ! Mission 5 Apr?s votre ?crasante victoire sur les rebelles, attendez-vous ? une riposte sans pr?c?dent. Pr?parez votre peuple ? un rude combat. Emp?chez l?ennemi de d?truire les villages ! Mission 6 Nous savons que l?ennemi construit de nouvelles bases. Vous ne devez pas laisser faire cela ! Attaquez le plus t?t possible avant que l?ennemi ne se redresse. En outre, vos r?serves en fer s?amenuisent ? grands pas, cherchez d?autres mati?res premi?res dans les environs. Mission 7 Avant de nous tourner ? nouveau vers les rebelles, il nous faut reconqu?rir les colonies du Sud. La victoire de la bataille derri?re nous a apport? quelques r?serves de fer dont nous avons besoin imm?diatement. Mais dans la r?gion, les gisements de fer sont moindres, nous devons donc en user avec parcimonie. Mission 8 Lors de la derni?re attaque nous avons d? ?loigner la majorit? de notre peuple loin de la base, et nous avons donn? ? l?ennemi une chance d?attaquer. Revenez le plus vite possible avant que l?adversaire ne franchisse nos d?fenses ! Mission 9 ? cause d?une embuscade nous n?avons pas pu atteindre le ch?teau en temps voulu, nous devons ?tablir une bonne strat?gie pour reconqu?rir ce qui nous appartient ! La grande porte est ?troitement d?fendue, une attaque frontale serait inutile. Essayez d?attaquer une autre entr?e, et ?vitez les pertes mat?rielles car nous n?avons pas la possibilit? d?exploiter plus de minerai de fer. Mission 10 La reconqu?te du ch?teau nous a permis de faire des prisonniers qui nous ont r?v?l? la pr?sence d?un passage souterrain menant aux montagnes du Nord. L?entr?e du tunnel est surveill?e par quelques gardes ennemis, d?barrassez vous d?eux et p?n?trez dans le tunnel ! Mission 11 La grotte est plus grande que pr?vue, nos ?claireurs ont rep?r? des gardes ennemis dans les recoins du tunnel, ils prot?gent le complexe souterrain des intrus. Atteignez la sortie de l?autre c?t? de la montagne ! Mission 12 Les troupes adverses ont ?t? mises au courant de notre attaque, des bataillons ennemis du Nord sont en marche et vont bient?t attaquer ! Construisez des tours pour affaiblir les bataillons. Si vous arrivez ? les repousser, vous pourrez traverser le passage vers le Nord. Mission 13 Une embuscade ! Notre ennemi nous attendait ! Nous sommes maintenant dans une situation critique. Forcez les bandits ? battre en retraite ! Mission 14 Nous avons r?ussi ? atteindre le dernier bastion de notre ennemi ! Ils ont rassembl? leurs arm?es et se sont barricad?s dans leur retraite situ?e au Nord-est. ? cause du froid mordant, la rivi?re est en partie gel?e, ce qui va nous permettre de surprendre l?adversaire. Soyez victorieux des troupes ennemies afin de faire r?gner la paix ? nouveau dans notre pays ! [/quote]


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King Karolus

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Post 26 Nov 2011, 16:18

Thank you shadaoe, that was some mighty fast work! :) By the way, are you the French translator of the KaM Remake?

As for the French TPR, apparently it was released as a budget title over in France by some companies, e.g. PointSoft.

Also here are some names that differ between the KaM Remake translation and the official TPR translation. If you have an opinion on which one is better, I'd love to hear it (first is the remake translation, second is official TPR).

Siege workshop: Fabrique de Catapultes, Garage de guerre (what is it called in the French version of Age of Empires?)
Fisherman's: P?cheur, Cabane de p?cheur
Rogue: Assassin, ?cuyer



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Post 26 Nov 2011, 16:58

No the French translator for the Remake is The_French?

I would really like to own the french tpr version, I'll search for it !

The remake translations are better than the official ones :
"garage de guerre" is ... well, bad.
"Fabrique de catapulte" could be replaced in the remake by "Atelier de si?ge" as it is in AoE though.

"Cabane de p?cheur" is better than "p?cheur"

Rogue : Assassin is the good translation I guess, at least it's better than "Ecuyer"

Sylvain (The_French?) did a really good job with the french translation for the remake, there are a few mistakes, maybe I'll correct some if he wants later, but that's not really a problem right now :p


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King Karolus

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Post 30 Nov 2011, 21:37

Some suggestions for the French translation, please tell me if you agree and I'll probably forward them to The_French?: (he's apparently working on updating some stuff)

Bouclier Bois -> Bouclier de Bois
Bouclier Long -> Bouclier de Fer
Armure Cuir -> Armure de Cuir
Cuirasse -> Armure de Fer
Minerai Or -> Minerai d'Or
Minerai Fer -> Minerai de Fer
Armurerie -> Forge d'Armes
Fabrique d'Armures -> Forge d'Armures
Cav. L?g?re -> Cavalerie L?g?re
Balliste -> Baliste
Assassin -> Voyou
ETAT -> Etat :

Also is "H?tel de la Monnaie" an accurate/actual translation for the metallurgist's? It just sounds so weird.


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Post 01 Dec 2011, 08:56

Also is "H?tel de la Monnaie" an accurate/actual translation for the metallurgist's? It just sounds so weird.
What about "m?tallurgiste" ?



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Post 01 Dec 2011, 16:56

Everything is perfect in your list except "Assassin -> Voyou", voyou seems a little bit strange here. I don't know what is ebtter though ...

"H?tel de la monnaie" is quite strange, although it is an existing building in Paris, but it's only for this one iirc.
"m?tallurgiste" is not really for the money in French, it's more the art of all sort of metals. I would suggest "atelier de frappe de monnaie" or "atelier mon?taire". I searched a bit and it looks like these are the words used to describe that (at least in middle-age).

I can't find anything about this french version of TPR, it is listed in some websites, but they have nothing about it (or almost nothing), and there is not even a clue about this being ever sold !


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King Karolus

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Post 01 Dec 2011, 17:58

How about "Fripon" for the rogue?

"Atelier de frappe de monnaie" is probably ways too long so "Atelier Mon?taire" sounds good to me.

Oh, and "Ecuries" -> "?curies"


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Post 04 Dec 2011, 11:11

Would you have any interest in helping me with finishing a French TPR manual? I've got most of the texts from the French TSK manual copied over, but the stuff new to the TPR manual would need to be translated (and two pages that were mysteriously missing from the French manual).

Here's what I've managed to put together thus far.

Firstly, here's some text that needs to be changed slightly:
----- STUFF TO CHANGE/FIX ----- Cliquez ? pr?sent sur l'ic?ne Livre (deuxi?me ligne) et promenez le curseur sur le terrain. --> It should say "the first in the upper row" inside the parenthesis La colonne de droite montre le nombre de sujets form?s dans la sp?cialit? requise pour faire fonctionner les b?timents de la colonne de gauche. --> It should say: "The lower part displays the number of citizens whose training has been completed" and the part about the building connection should be removed. Les planches extraites des troncs d'arbres sont ?galement destin?es ? la fabrication d'armes et boucliers. --> It should say to produce weapons, armor and siege equipment Les Caisses d'Or ainsi produites sont transport?es ? l'Ecole o? elles permettent de financer l'apprentissage de nouveaux personnages et l'entrainement de nouvelles Recrues. --> Add "and to the town hall where they can be used for hiring mercenaries." to the sentence above or make it a sentence of its own.[/quote] And here's a quite long list of stuff that needs to be translated: [code]----- STUFF TO TRANSLATE ----- THE MAIN MENU After starting the game and watching the introduction videos, the main menu screen appears. Here you can choose in which way you want to play the game, whether it is against the computer (campaign) or against a friend (multiplayer). Starts the training mode. Before you move into real battles, you should play the tutorial to learn how to defeat your opponents. Starts the campaign "The Shattered Kingdom". Starts the campaign "The Peasants Rebellion". Starts a game allowing you to play network scenarios in single player. Continues an old campaign. Starts a game for several players (network). A list of the people who worked together to develop this game. Exits the game. Here you can adjust the screen resolution (possible settings: 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x960 and 1280x1024). ----- Healthy and varying food was of importance already during the Middle Ages. To supply your loyal subjects with fresh fish, you will have to build a fisherman's hut. From here the fisherman will travel to nearby lakes throwing his lines in order to catch fish. Caught fish are taken directly to the inn. Try building the fisherman's hut near a lake with plenty of fish, so that your fisherman will only need to walk a short distance to get to the lake. Once there are no more fish in the surrounding lakes, I will send you a notifying message. ----- You should try to lay out the wine field beneath the building so that your farmer only has to walk a short distance to the field. ----- Gold is also used as payment for the recruitment of new soldiers and mercenaries. ----- So that your town is adequately protected from enemy attacks, you should build a town hall. The advantage in hiring mercenaries from the town hall is that they only cost a certain amount of gold and are available to you immediately. The following mercenaries can be hired from the town hall: ----- The iron smithy is also vital for supplying your siege workshop with iron used in the construction of siege weapons. ----- Heavy siege weapons are built in the siege workshop. To build siege weapons, timber and iron is needed. Each siege weapon requires five pieces of both wares to construct. Similarly to the other workshops, the carpenter working at the siege workshop also only constructs siege weapons by your order. If possible, build the siege workshop near an iron smithy and a sawmill to ensure a quick delivery of wares. Even this building should be carefully protected against enemy attacks. ----- The fisherman casts his lines into nearby lakes and supplies your subjects with fresh fish. ----- TRAINABLE FROM THE BARRACKS HIREABLE FROM THE TOWN HALL CONSTRUCTIBLE IN THE SIEGE WORKSHOP ----- Rebels are good protection against enemy cavalry. With no more than a pitchfork they can unsaddle a rider very quickly. A rebel costs one chest of gold. Hiring a militia costs two cases of gold. The rogue with his sling is well suited for fighting at a distance. Because they have no armor, other troops should be used to protect them. The rogue costs two cases of gold. The vagabonds are a very fast unit and are perfect for reconnaissance and surprise attacks. He is armed with a hand axe and costs three cases of gold to hire. The warriors and the barbarians are the strongest units in the game. With their big battle axes, they fight heroically against enemy infantry. But beware when opposing bowmen or crossbowmen are being deployed, for the barbarian is basically unprotected and the warrior's armor is worn out from past battles! Hiring a warrior or a barbarian costs five chests of gold. The catapult and the ballista both have a very long range and are therefore well suited for fighting at a distance. The catapult can throw very large stones over a great distance or over enemy walls. The ballista can be deployed to the battlefield, or it can also used as a fortification or as a siege weapon. ----- Ranged soldiers are unable to fire at enemies in close proximity. ----- CHANGING GAME SPEED Press the F8 key to increase the game speed and press it again to slow it down again. When you are battling, it is recommended to reduce the game speed to normal. This function is not available in multiplayer games. F8      Change Game Speed Space   Move Camera to Attack Site ----- PLAYING SINGLE MISSIONS In this game mode you can train before you send your noble warriors into battle. Choose one of the desired missions from the seven listed below and then start the game. ----- MANUAL DESIGN: MANUAL TEXTS: Additional 3D-Modelling: ----- BEWARE OF OBSESSION (EPILEPSY WARNING 1200 A.D.) Woe to the brave knights of the kingdom. Sitteth not too long before the moving illusions of Laterna Magica. Terrible dwellers of the darkest corners of hell wait to seize thee with the falling sickness and will plague thee with red hot pokers. Moderation is every warrior's duty. That you never miss the hours of prayer and the vespers, so that body and soul are ready for the rigors of war and government. For King and country Be ready with heart and hands[/quote]



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Post 05 Dec 2011, 17:03

No problem I'll do that as soon as possible ! :p

For "rogue", instead of "voyou" or "fripon" I'd rather suggest "manant" wich is an old french word from middle age, used for the same meaning.



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Post 06 Dec 2011, 15:09

Cliquez ? pr?sent sur l'ic?ne Livre (deuxi?me ligne) et promenez le curseur sur le terrain. --> It should say "the first in the upper row" inside the parenthesis Cliquez ? pr?sent sur l'ic?ne Livre (la premi?re de la ligne du haut) et promenez le curseur sur le terrain. -------------------------------------------- La colonne de droite montre le nombre de sujets form?s dans la sp?cialit? requise pour faire fonctionner les b?timents de la colonne de gauche. --> It should say: "The lower part displays the number of citizens whose training has been completed" and the part about the building connection should be removed. La partie inf?rieure montre le nombre de citoyens dont le recrutement est termin? ---------------------------------------------- Les planches extraites des troncs d'arbres sont ?galement destin?es ? la fabrication d'armes et boucliers. --> It should say to produce weapons, armor and siege equipment Les planches produites ? partir des troncs d?arbres sont utilis?s pour la fabrication d?armes, d?armures et d?armes de si?ge. ---------------------------------------------- Les Caisses d'Or ainsi produites sont transport?es ? l'Ecole o? elles permettent de financer l'apprentissage de nouveaux personnages et l'entrainement de nouvelles Recrues. --> Add "and to the town hall where they can be used for hiring mercenaries." to the sentence above or make it a sentence of its own. Les Caisses d?Or ainsi produites sont transport?es ? l??cole, o? elles permettent de financer l?apprentissage de nouveaux citoyens et l?entra?nement de nouvelles recrues, ou ? la Mairie, o? elles permettent de recruter des mercenaires. [/quote]



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Post 06 Dec 2011, 16:39

THE MAIN MENU After starting the game and watching the introduction videos, the main menu screen appears. ->Apr?s avoir lanc? le jeu et vu les vid?os d?introduction, l??cran du menu principal appara?t. Here you can choose in which way you want to play the game, whether it is against the computer (campaign) or against a friend (multiplayer). ->Ici vous pouvez choisir comment jouer, soit contre l?ordinateur (campagne), soit contre des amis (multijoueur) Starts the training mode. Before you move into real battles, you should play the tutorial to learn how to defeat your opponents. ->Commence le tutorial. Avant de commencer de vraies batailles, vous devriez faire l?apprentissage pour apprendre comment vaincre vos ennemis. Starts the campaign "The Shattered Kingdom". ->Lance la campagne ?Un Royaume en P?ril? Starts the campaign "The Peasants Rebellion". ->Lance la campagne ?La R?volte des Paysans? Starts a game allowing you to play network scenarios in single player. ->Vous permet de jouer ? des cartes provenant du mode multijoueur en solo. Continues an old campaign. ->Continue une partie pr?c?dente Starts a game for several players (network). ->Permet d?organiser des jeux ? plusieurs (r?seau) A list of the people who worked together to develop this game. ->Une liste des personnes ayant d?velopp? ce jeu Exits the game. ->Quitter le jeu Here you can adjust the screen resolution (possible settings: 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x960 and 1280x1024). ->Ici vous pouvez changer la r?solution d??cran du jeu (R?solutions possibles : 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x960 et 1280x1024). ----- Healthy and varying food was of importance already during the Middle Ages. To supply your loyal subjects with fresh fish, you will have to build a fisherman's hut. From here the fisherman will travel to nearby lakes throwing his lines in order to catch fish. Caught fish are taken directly to the inn. ->De la nourriture bonne et vari?e ?tait d?j? d?une importance capital au Moyen-?ge. Pour approvisionner vos loyaux sujets avec du poisson frais, vous devrez construire une cabane de p?cheur. D?ici le p?cheur va lancer ses lignes dans les eaux proches pour attraper du poisson. Une fois attrap?s, les poissons sont directement transport?s ? l?auberge, ou ? l?entrep?t si l?auberge est d?j? pleine. Try building the fisherman's hut near a lake with plenty of fish, so that your fisherman will only need to walk a short distance to get to the lake. Once there are no more fish in the surrounding lakes, I will send you a notifying message. ->Essayez de construire la cabane de p?cheur pr?s d?un lac avec du poisson ? foison, pour que votre p?cheur n?ait qu?une courte distance ? parcourir avant de pouvoir p?cher. Quand il n?y a plus de poissons dans les eaux proches, vous recevrez un message d?alerte. ----- You should try to lay out the wine field beneath the building so that your farmer only has to walk a short distance to the field. ->Vous devriez essayer de placer les vignes entre les b?timents pour que votre fermier n?ait que peu de distance ? parcourir pour aller vendanger. ----- Gold is also used as payment for the recruitment of new soldiers and mercenaries. ->Les Caisses d?Or sont aussi utilis?es comme paiement  pour le recrutement de mercenaires. ----- So that your town is adequately protected from enemy attacks, you should build a town hall. The advantage in hiring mercenaries from the town hall is that they only cost a certain amount of gold and are available to you immediately. ->Pour que votre ville soit correctement prot?g?e des attaques enemies, vous devriez construire une mairie. L?avantage de recruter des mercenaires ? la mairie est qu?ils ne co?tent qu?un certain nombre de caisses d?or et sont recrut?s instantan?ment. The following mercenaries can be hired from the town hall: ->Les mercenaries suivants peuvent ?tre recrut?s ? la mairie : ----- The iron smithy is also vital for supplying your siege workshop with iron used in the construction of siege weapons. ->La fonderie est aussi vitale pour votre atelier de si?ge, qui utilisera le fer pour construire des armes de si?ge. ----- Heavy siege weapons are built in the siege workshop. To build siege weapons, timber and iron is needed. Each siege weapon requires five pieces of both wares to construct. Similarly to the other workshops, the carpenter working at the siege workshop also only constructs siege weapons by your order. ->Les armes de si?ge lourdes sont construites dans l?atelier de si?ge. Pour en construire vous aurez besoin de fer et de planches.  Chaque arme de si?ge n?cessite cinq de chaque pour la construction. Le charpentier de l?atelier de si?ge construits des armes de si?ge seulement sur votre ordre. If possible, build the siege workshop near an iron smithy and a sawmill to ensure a quick delivery of wares. Even this building should be carefully protected against enemy attacks. ->Si possible construisez votre atelier de si?ge pr?s d?une fonderie et d?une scierie pour assurer un apport rapide de marchandises. Prot?gez bien l?atelier de si?ge des attaques ennemies. ----- The fisherman casts his lines into nearby lakes and supplies your subjects with fresh fish. ->Le p?cheur lance ses lignes dans les lacs proches et fournit vos sujets en poisson frais. ----- TRAINABLE FROM THE BARRACKS ->Entra?nable au ch?teau HIREABLE FROM THE TOWN HALL ->Recrutable ? la mairie CONSTRUCTIBLE IN THE SIEGE WORKSHOP ->Construit ? l?atelier de si?ge ----- Rebels are good protection against enemy cavalry. With no more than a pitchfork they can unsaddle a rider very quickly. A rebel costs one chest of gold. ->Les rebelles sont une bonne protection contre la cavalerie ennemie. Rien qu?avec leur fourche, ils peuvent d?sar?onner un cavalier tr?s rapidement. Un rebelle co?te une caisse d?or. Hiring a militia costs two cases of gold. ->Recruter un milicien co?te deux caisses d?or. The rogue with his sling is well suited for fighting at a distance. Because they have no armor, other troops should be used to protect them. The rogue costs two cases of gold. ->Le manant avec sa fronde est parfait pour combattre ? distance. Vu qu?il n?ont pas d?armure, il faut utiliser d?autres troupes pour les prot?ger. Le manant co?te deux caisses d?or. The vagabonds are a very fast unit and are perfect for reconnaissance and surprise attacks. He is armed with a hand axe and costs three cases of gold to hire. ->Le vagabond est une unite tr?s rapide, il est parfait pour la reconnaissance ou des attaques surprises. Il est arm? d?une hache et co?te trois caisses d?or. The warriors and the barbarians are the strongest units in the game. With their big battle axes, they fight heroically against enemy infantry. But beware when opposing bowmen or crossbowmen are being deployed, for the barbarian is basically unprotected and the warrior's armor is worn out from past battles! Hiring a warrior or a barbarian costs five chests of gold. ->Le guerrier et le barbare sont les plus fortes unit?s du jeu. Avec leurs ?normes haches de guerre, ils combattent h?ro?quement l?infanterie ennemie. Prenez garde contre des archers ou arbal?triers, en effet le barbare est presque totalement non prot?g? et l?armure du guerrier est abim?e par les batailles pass?es ! Recruter un guerrier ou un barbare co?te cinq caisses d?or. The catapult and the ballista both have a very long range and are therefore well suited for fighting at a distance. The catapult can throw very large stones over a great distance or over enemy walls. ->Les catapultes et les balistes ont toutes deux  une tr?s grande port?e et sont dont tr?s utile lors pour le combat ? distance. La catapulte lance de larges pierres sur une longue distance. The ballista can be deployed to the battlefield, or it can also used as a fortification or as a siege weapon. ->La baliste est utilis?e sur le champ de bataille, comme en d?fense ou pour attaquer des b?timents ennemis. ----- Ranged soldiers are unable to fire at enemies in close proximity. ->Les unit?s ? distance sont incapables de tirer sur les ennemis trop proches. ----- CHANGING GAME SPEED Press the F8 key to increase the game speed and press it again to slow it down again. When you are battling, it is recommended to reduce the game speed to normal. This function is not available in multiplayer games. F8      Change Game Speed Space   Move Camera to Attack Site ->CHANGER LA VITESSE DU JEU Appuyez sur F8 pour acc?l?rer la vitesse du jeu et appuyez encore dessus pour revenir ? la vitesse normale. Quand vous combattez, il est recommand? de remettre le jeu ? sa vitesse normale. Cette fonction n?est pas utilisable en multijoueur. F8      Change la vitesse du jeu Espace  Positionne la camera au site de l?attaque ----- PLAYING SINGLE MISSIONS In this game mode you can train before you send your noble warriors into battle. Choose one of the desired missions from the seven listed below and then start the game. ->JOUER EN SOLO Dans ce mode de jeu, vous pouvez vous entra?ner avant de lancer vos nobles guerriers dans la bataille. Choisissez une des sept missions propos?es et lancez le jeu. ----- MANUAL DESIGN: MANUAL TEXTS: Additional 3D-Modelling: ->CONCEPTION DU MANUEL : TEXTES DU MANUEL : Mod?les 3d additionnels ----- [/quote] [color=red]for this one I invented some of the things, can?t see a proper exact translation. It should be good though, as I tried to keep the feeling of this, but it was quite hard ![/color] [code] BEWARE OF OBSESSION (EPILEPSY WARNING 1200 A.D.) Woe to the brave knights of the kingdom. Sitteth not too long before the moving illusions of Laterna Magica. Terrible dwellers of the darkest corners of hell wait to seize thee with the falling sickness and will plague thee with red hot pokers. Moderation is every warrior's duty. That you never miss the hours of prayer and the vespers, so that body and soul are ready for the rigors of war and government. For King and country Be ready with heart and hands -> PRENEZ GARDE ? NE PAS PRENDRE VOTRE QU?TE TROP ? C?UR (UN AVERTISSEMENT ? L??PILEPSIE EN L?AN 1200) Oyez braves chevaliers du royaume ! Je dois vous avertir d?un terrible danger, les serviteurs du diable provenant des plus sombres profondeurs de l?enfer vous attendent, esp?rant vous accabler de terribles maladies, telle la peste ! La mod?ration est le devoir de tout chevalier. Pour ne jamais manquer les nombreuses heures de pri?res ni les v?pres, pour que votre corps et votre ?me soient pr?ts pour les devoirs de la guerre. Pour notre contr?e et son Roi ! Soyez pr?ts, par le c?ur et le corps. [/quote] I saw a mistake in the ?Sommaire? : LES SUJECTS DE SA MAJEST? -> SUJETS DE LA TACTICE MILITARE -> TACTIQUE MODE MULTIJOUR -> MULTIJOUEUR In the story : ? les Seigneurs de la cour jouissaient des divertissements offerts par clowns, musiciens et danseurs les plus r?put?s du Royaume. ? Here ? clowns ? should be replaced with ? bouffons ?, that?s the name from Middle Age I used ?manant? for ?rogue? in the translations. Sorry if I did any mistake while writing this, Itried to re-read as mush as I could ! Some strange words I use are from middle-age, I try to be accurate.


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King Karolus

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Post 08 Dec 2011, 19:15

Thank you for some great and fast work, I highly appreciate it! :) Here's what it looks like now.

Only two minor problems now:
1. The title "PRENEZ GARDE ? NE PAS PRENDRE VOTRE QU?TE TROP ? C?UR" for the historical epilepsy warning is sadly quite a bit too long (it takes two rows even in "Sommaire", which looks bad), could you please try making it shorter?

2. The translation for single missions. I see you used just playing single player as the translation in the manual. The official French translation uses "Jouer une carte unique" and the KaM Remake translation uses "Construire une cit?". The official translation seems to be most faithful to the original, does it sound like an okay translation? (I know single mission probably sounds clumsy, but it probably does that in all translations including English.)

Thanks again, your translating help has been very helpful! :wink:


Sword Fighter

Posts: 288

Joined: 14 May 2007, 22:00

Post 08 Dec 2011, 19:50

Great work guys! It's little things like this that could make all the difference to someone's experience :)

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