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Cooperative maps for the Remake


The Dark Lord

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Post 03 Dec 2011, 13:10

Actually it already uses each group's position for targets 0 and 1:
0: Closest unit from the group's position
1: Closest building from the group's position
2: Closest building from the AI start location
3: Custom XY

Is that the same as KaM? That's what I read in the scripting documentation years ago when I made my editor. Please correct me. So that would mean the new attack you requested would only be different in that it would select a unit OR a building. Is that useful?
I agree it would be neat to make the AI attack at multiple places at the same time. I'm quite happy to add new target types, it's very easy to do. (and there's really no limits, we can add 20 new target types if you think that's necessary :P)
Yes I think you're right. I'm not sure about TARGET 1 because I never use it. Archers are the main problem with these types: if you let an army which has also archers attack a building with TARGET 1, they'll just blindly walk to that building and attack it, ignoring everything else. So yes, I think it is useful to have a TARGET which targets anything the enemy has, calculated from the group's position.
(Also, a 'refresh' option for attacks could be nice: when attacking, the AI will recalculate every 5 seconds if the original target is still the closest one. So let's say the AI sends his units to attack the closest thing. Let's assume it's a building in this case. If the human player tries to sneak behind the AI's army with some cavalry the AI will change his plan and attack the cavalry first (if the distance between the cavalry and the AI's army is smaller than the distance between the army and the building. And an option to let an army keep attacking untill they're all dead would be nice too. Just throwing up other ideas as I promised. :wink:)
We never coded anything like that, my guess is that it was caused by a bug :P (maybe they attacked a unit that moved before they got there?) I think this can wait until we really focus on improving the AI because I can't see a simple way to do this. (how would it decide where to group up?) A better option might be to make soldiers smarter at walking somewhere, because even as a human player it's quite annoying when they always walk single file around mountains.
Hm I'm not sure if I would be really pleased if my soldiers didn't take the shortest route. I think it's the player's task to keep an eye on his army and regroup before engaging a battle.
P.S. How are you testing your coop mission? Because there's no speedup in multiplayer you might be best to save it in single player to test lots of things. Or an easier option might be to edit the gamespeed in KaM_Remake_Settings.ini. Look for the line "SpeedPace=100" and make 100 smaller (100 means it processes 1 game tick every 100 milliseconds, so if you make it 10 it will be x10 faster than 100, processing 1 tick every 10 milliseconds) Don't make it too low or your computer won't be able to keep up with it. 10 should be fine.
Yes, I was planning to convert it into a single player mission, but your suggestion seems easier. I'll try that! :)


Castle Guard Swordsman

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Post 03 Dec 2011, 15:13

Ok I think my map will be finish with the script and all sunday or maybe monday, is this ok? When the new Demo will comes out?
Also I understand it right, that I must delete all win and loose conditions in the co-op script?
You aren´t a good player if you have a good PT-Army. You should be able to use it correctly!

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Post 03 Dec 2011, 23:50

Yeah that's fine, we probably won't release it until Tuesday or Wednesday, depends how things go.
Yes you should delete the goals as the engine will add its own automatically.


Castle Guard Swordsman

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Post 04 Dec 2011, 15:58

I have finished now my whole Map. I add now only the description and the new name of the map. If someone has enough time, maybe somebody will play it with me. That I can test how the AI react and maybe a feedbach to my map :D

If someone have time today or tomorrow you can send me a message and i will send you the Downloadlink. So If I test it a few times I could give you the final map in time for the next demo,lewin.

You aren´t a good player if you have a good PT-Army. You should be able to use it correctly!

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Post 04 Dec 2011, 16:54

Do you mean a map with a hole or the whole map?


Castle Guard Swordsman

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Post 04 Dec 2011, 17:23

Lol the whole map!
You aren´t a good player if you have a good PT-Army. You should be able to use it correctly!

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