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HellRacer's Single & Multiplayer Maps



Moorbach's Guard

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Post 24 May 2013, 12:52

Re: HellRacer's Single & Multiplayer Maps

HellRacer! It's great to see that you're still around.

Your maps are of superb quality: Only the Dark Lord can compete when it comes to looks (in my opinion). When looking at your maps, it is clear that you would a huge amount of time into them, but there is one problem: They are often unbalanced or very campy. In Volcano Valley, players are not given the same amount of iron, for example, and it is indeed very campy. The best way to fix it would be to expand the entrances, and make more of them. It might be hard to fit it into the design of the map, but it will certainly make it more playable.

The Cracked Land is another gorgeous map. It is quite campy, too (I think that the left side of the map has a two-tile choke-point somewhere) and looks very unbalanced. If you could balance the teams out more, and make it slightly less campy then this would be a fine map, indeed. Remember that locations don't need to be symmetrical, but at least make the teams balanced like To did in Back in the Desert: Each location has a weakness and strength, and all the team's locations together make up for their weaknesses.

I am looking forward to your work :)
you might have seen my frustration video by now :D and i agree with ben. to summarize excellent visuals and les excellent gameplay^^
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Lance Carrier

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Post 25 May 2013, 21:52

Re: HellRacer's Single & Multiplayer Maps

Great to hear you'll still be working on maps :)
The latest version of the KaM Remake (release candidates) can regenerate the missing tile data, just open and save it with the RC and the data will be restored :)
Thanks, I'll try it sometime, I might not release it as a single map but use some parts of the map for another one(I didn't really like it anyways :P).
Your maps are of superb quality, but there is one problem: They are often unbalanced or very campy.
Thank you! :)
I'll really to focus on that when making another one!
I only want to say that The Forbidden Land is one of the best missions I have ever played.
Map & Mission Design is brilliant. I see that you took time for placing every single object, your volcanic mountains are your own brand, also in other maps.. In my opinion you're one of the best mappers.. : ) Please keep it up!
Thank you very much! I appreciate your kind words. :D
you might have seen my frustration video by now :D and i agree with ben. to summarize excellent visuals and les excellent gameplay^^
haha yes, I saw it. I laughed :P Happy you like the Visuals though!


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Post 25 May 2013, 23:08

Re: HellRacer's Single & Multiplayer Maps

Welcome back HellRacer... Waiting to see more "Lava maps" from you!

Can you do me a favor, and name one of your maps with my name?
"Jeronimo" (lava map at your style) Thanks very much haha.

You can invent the background story you wish for this ambicious map :D
KaM Skill Level: Jeronimo


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Post 26 May 2013, 20:28

Re: HellRacer's Single & Multiplayer Maps

I have played Vulcano Valley some weeks ago, and it was also a bit campy in the middle.
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Castle Guard Swordsman

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Post 28 May 2013, 17:54

Re: HellRacer's Single & Multiplayer Maps

Hey Hellracer, yeach nice that you are back. I`m searching also now for new sp missions for the Remake and Your golden conspiracies and others are pretty nice, but I couldnt win these golden missions with the first 2 trieings, but when you will work later on, at new sp map, that will be for sure really good, please upload them publicy I enjoyed all sp map in the remek so far :mrgreen: :P



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Post 27 Jun 2013, 11:53

Re: HellRacer's Single & Multiplayer Maps

I would love to test your campaign! :D


Castle Guard Swordsman

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Post 27 Jun 2013, 13:40

Re: HellRacer's Single & Multiplayer Maps

Oh I just realized yesterday that I haven´t played "Forgotton" so far, somhow I missed it :-) Now I have played all your sp missions and I must say that "Forgotten" could be also added to the Remake in my point of view, because its a really good balanced map and I had no errors/problems with it.


Lance Carrier

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Post 27 Jun 2013, 15:28

Re: HellRacer's Single & Multiplayer Maps

haha Jeronimo, I'll think about that!

Funny you say that pawel, as "Forgotten" is the first mission I ever uploaded. I didn't expect that. Notice the quality of the map :P

Note: my campaign is progressing very slow at the moment, had other things to do. I decided to add another mission in between to add a little flavour to the story.
I'll have more time next month. You can expect some pictures too.


Castle Guard Swordsman

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Post 27 Jun 2013, 15:33

Re: HellRacer's Single & Multiplayer Maps

Funny you say that pawel, as "Forgotten" is the first mission I ever uploaded. I didn't expect that. Notice the quality of the map :P
Well yeah I saw the quality, for example the terrain and the missing objects but the map as the whole thing make much fun, and something like terrain and objects can be improved fast


Lance Carrier

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Post 12 Nov 2013, 22:55

Re: HellRacer's Single & Multiplayer Maps


It's been a long time ago again.
Because my inactivity will take even longer I decided to just upload the unfinished campaign I started working on a few years(?!) ago.

It needs a lot more work; elevating, objects, scripting, etc. I just don't feel like doing anything for some time.
I can't say that one of the missions is 100% finished.

You can download all I have of it from the attachment below or from the first post on this topic.

I'll still read the forums occasionally.

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Castle Guard Swordsman

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Post 13 Nov 2013, 10:29

Re: HellRacer's Single & Multiplayer Maps

Too sad :-( I waited for your campaign, becaus I knew it would be a good one. However i wanna start your unfinished campaign this weekend. Lokking forward

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