Posts: 3822
Joined: 16 Sep 2007, 22:00
KaM Skill Level: Skilled
ICQ: 269127056
Website: http://lewin.hodgman.id.au
Yahoo Messenger: lewinlewinhodgman
Location: Australia
Posts keep getting shorter? Well, I'll have to do something about that. :twisted:
Just started wondering in what all places this capitalizing rule really should apply. Found a bunch of non-capitalized stuff that I'm curious as to whether it should be capitalized or not.
(Single map menu)
Start map -> Start Map
Back to menu -> Back to Menu
(Resolution selection)
Resolution in game -> ??? (Shouldn't it be in-game or something? And how does the capitalizing go?)
Not available -> Not Available (Should this be changed? Displayed on the resolution button when selecting unsupported resolution)
Yes, I think Not available should be changed.
Select game type -> Select Game Type (Should this be changed too? Displayed when clicking multiplayer game)
Create new Account -> Create New Account (Unused, but if we ever get around to running a new lobby...)
Log in -> Log In (Or should it remain as "in" as in is a preposition?)
Enter game -> Enter Game
Create game -> Create Game
Start session -> Start Session
Select session: -> Select Session:
Join game -> Join Game
Search for games -> Search for Games
(Multiplayer maps)
Three continents -> Three Continents
Battle for coal -> Battle for Coal
Border rivers -> Border Rivers
Land of hills -> Land of Hills
Mountainous region -> Mountainous Region
Castle slaughter -> Castle Slaughter
Coastal encounter -> Coastal Encounter
Bridge disaster -> Bridge Disaster
(Single map maps)
Across the desert -> Across the Desert
In a strange land -> In a Strange Land (you don't capitalize "a" or do you?)
Land of the quick river -> Land of the Quick River
(Game menu)
To Selection of buildings -> To Selection of Buildings
To Distribution of wares -> To Distribution of Wares
Go back -> Go Back
Besides those oddities, here are some random suggestions:
Leave Program -> Exit Game(?) (Leave Program sounds quite Engrish to me for use in a game)
Quit -> Back (In the multiplayer menus)
Long shield -> Iron shield (Original German was surprisingly iron shield, why in the world this was called long shield is beyond me)
Fisher's hut -> Fisherman's (Yeah I already suggested Fisherman's hut, but this is here merely to see which one is preferred. Fisherman's would probably follow more closely to the naming standards used in The Shattered Kingdom as Woodcutter's was also called Woodcutter's hut in the German game.
Start attack. -> Start charge attack. (Changing the button to say only charge ended up feeling a bit empty. Charge attack is correct, or is it?)
Turn troop left -> Turn troop left. (Never understood why these two buttons lack the full stop?)
Turn troop right -> Turn troop right. (Same sense)
Close window. -> Closes window. (Description for the close button in a received message. Changed to make the description fit with the rest of the button descriptions, check before commenting)
As I said, I'll look through all the text thoroughly once the next beta is out. Also the next version of my LIB decoder will be out, and that'll make it easier to use. I have noticed a few mistakes but they will be easier to report once the Beta is out, as right now I don't know what has already been changed.
P.S. I have another suggestion, but it's not to do with the actual English translation. You know how when you select the Fisherman, he says "Your majesty" just like the scout does. Well, the butcher uses exactly the same sound file. I think it should be changed to another one of the scouts greetings, such as "SELECT2.snd" ("At your service") How to change these? Well, in the EXE at 000C0838 you will find a list of the sounds used by units. (in the same order as in the missions, so serf first, recruit last) The first value is the sound when you click on them, the next is when they die. If you're having trouble finding it then search for "militia\select3". If you scroll through the list, you'll find the butcher ("cavalry\select0") and then the fisherman. (same again) In my opinion, the best sounds for the fisherman would be SELECT2 and DEATH0, as they are different but not too different. Or if you like we could change them to something completely different. (e.g. the barbarians voice)
What do you think of this?