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TPR 3 and TPR 4 winning conditions




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Post 19 Apr 2015, 14:54

TPR 3 and TPR 4 winning conditions

Hi, after many years I started to play TPR again. First surprise was in the 3rd mission - I destroyed school and I lost the game but I am quite sure this mission was always played to destroy all. But I played again and destroyed barracks and soldiers. Went to enemy in the east, started to destroy towers and suddenly I won the game (I even did not enter the village because towers were not destroyed) - is that a bug? I mean I should destroy towers anyway, right?

And second surprise. I am playing 4th mission, carefully destroying only military buildings. Ok, soldiers and dead, barracks are destroyed. Nothing. Military chain destroyed. Nothing.. What else? Warehouses destroyed, nothing. School or inn destroyed, I lost the game. What do I have to do to win this mission? Is that a bug as well? Seems that anything I do leads to losing the game but I cannot win.

Thanks for reply,


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Post 20 Apr 2015, 04:17

Re: TPR 3 and TPR 4 winning conditions

Meh. Missions 3 and 4 were an early welcoming to the horrible campaign of TPR. I don't remember the objective of mission 3, but it is counter intuitive/ironic if I recall correctly. As for mission 4, there is a losing objective of destroying serfs and schools. What this means if you kill all the serfs AND schools of any player(city), you will lose. The winning objective is to eliminate all enemy military buildings and troops. That is, all barracks, armories, and weaponries. I don't think iron smithies and tanneries count. Strangely, towers are not considered military buildings.
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Post 20 Apr 2015, 05:50

Re: TPR 3 and TPR 4 winning conditions

As for mission 4, there is a losing objective of destroying serfs and schools. What this means if you kill all the serfs AND schools of any player(city), you will lose. The winning objective is to eliminate all enemy military buildings and troops. That is, all barracks, armories, and weaponries. I don't think iron smithies and tanneries count. Strangely, towers are not considered military buildings.
Yes, that is my point. I destroyed all of that and I still didn't win... But once I destroy school I lose. So losing objectives seems to be set up correctly but I am not so sure about the winning ones...


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Post 20 Apr 2015, 06:16

Re: TPR 3 and TPR 4 winning conditions

These are so-called "military conditions":
gc_MilitaryAssets: Result := (Stat.GetArmyCount > 0) or (Stat.GetHouseQty([ht_Barracks, ht_CoalMine, ht_WeaponWorkshop, ht_ArmorWorkshop, ht_Stables, ht_IronMine, ht_IronSmithy ,ht_WeaponSmithy, ht_ArmorSmithy, ht_TownHall, ht_SiegeWorkshop]) > 0);
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Post 20 Apr 2015, 15:29

Re: TPR 3 and TPR 4 winning conditions

These are so-called "military conditions":
gc_MilitaryAssets: Result := (Stat.GetArmyCount > 0) or (Stat.GetHouseQty([ht_Barracks, ht_CoalMine, ht_WeaponWorkshop, ht_ArmorWorkshop, ht_Stables, ht_IronMine, ht_IronSmithy ,ht_WeaponSmithy, ht_ArmorSmithy, ht_TownHall, ht_SiegeWorkshop]) > 0);
Thanks for reply. If I understand correctly both conditions has to be fulfilled (army = 0 and all listed building destroyed), is that correct? So why I was able to win TPR 3 mission without destroying any of that buildings?

But helped with TPR 4, I didn't figure out the stables, thanks. Also is there any list of missions that require military conditions? In 4 mission I was informed ahead but I had no clu in 3 mission before I destroyed the school.


Post 05 Aug 2015, 22:07

Re: TPR 3 and TPR 4 winning conditions

Hi, I was playing TPR3 cooperative with my another person today and after destroying the enemy village on the left side, the game told us that we have lost and we could no longer control our units. It looks like a bug. ... NiEQDt.jpg


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Post 06 Aug 2015, 18:38

Re: TPR 3 and TPR 4 winning conditions

These are so-called "military conditions":
gc_MilitaryAssets: Result := (Stat.GetArmyCount > 0) or (Stat.GetHouseQty([ht_Barracks, ht_CoalMine, ht_WeaponWorkshop, ht_ArmorWorkshop, ht_Stables, ht_IronMine, ht_IronSmithy ,ht_WeaponSmithy, ht_ArmorSmithy, ht_TownHall, ht_SiegeWorkshop]) > 0);
Thanks for reply. If I understand correctly both conditions has to be fulfilled (army = 0 and all listed building destroyed), is that correct? So why I was able to win TPR 3 mission without destroying any of that buildings?

But helped with TPR 4, I didn't figure out the stables, thanks. Also is there any list of missions that require military conditions? In 4 mission I was informed ahead but I had no clu in 3 mission before I destroyed the school.
Actually no. :)
It is an "OR".
Only one of them has to be true ( Only the army count greater then 0 or those houses greater then 0 ) for the victory(or defeat?) to be there.

I hope I explained it in an understandable manner. I did my best. :)
Last edited by thibmo on 06 Aug 2015, 19:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Post 06 Aug 2015, 19:29

Re: TPR 3 and TPR 4 winning conditions

@kaspi: IIRC you must have preserved some of the citizens (serfs).
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