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Hotkey for "read letter" and other things




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Joined: 28 Mar 2010, 22:00

Post 05 Apr 2010, 23:00

Hotkey for "read letter" and other things

Could a patch add hotkey for reading messages you receive? Like chat in multiplayer and "house not occupied" messages? If its possible, it could be somewhere near the enter and delete, since thats where your left hand will mostly be during multiplayer. Id suggest using backspace.

If adding hotkeys is easy, I could give a whole list of what hotkeys Id like to be abled to use :)

Thank you!


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Knights Province Developer

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Post 06 Apr 2010, 06:24


Perhaps you could draw complete layout of hotkeys we could discuss and later on apply in remake(s). Atm KaM Remake uses these keys:

F8 speeds up the game pace x10
F11 will show debugging panel and menu
1-4 opens corresponding tab in the game menu
P pauses the game
Esc closes the open message or active tab in the game menu.
Del deletes the open message in game
Spacebar goes to the location of the open message in game
←↑→↓ cursor keys will move you around the map
Scrolling the Mouse wheel will zoom in and out
← backspace will reset zoom back to 100%
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Joined: 28 Mar 2010, 22:00

Post 07 Apr 2010, 13:58

Sure. Basicly hotkey for reading the last notice(chat) you received should be somewhere near enter. Like Insert for example. Im not sure about laptop layouts though.

Since the following ideas likely need the letter P, Id suggest ctrl + P or the "pause key" for pausing the game. And generally ctrl + letter for more general things, like turning of the music ctrl + M, turning of the sound ctrl + S etc.

+hotkeys for building each structure in either
a) Logic based on the structure name. Like sawmill = S, Inn = I etc.
b) Or logic based on the position of the button in the GUI (Id prefer that, its much more comfortable actually).
Like School = Q
Inn = W
Quarry = E
Lumberjack = R
Sawmill = T

And second line below that. As we run out of lines, continue from Y, U, I, O
This sounds pretty bizarre but is actually quite logical, at least the first part, where first row of keys start in QWERT.

+hotkeys for training units in school, barracks and town center
a) With unit name logic. Like S = Serf, L = laborer
b) With numbers and keys, so that after 8,9,0 it starts again at Q, W, E, R etc. So that lets say
serf = 1
laborer = 2
stonemason = 3
butchers = 9
Miner = 0
Metallurgist = Q
Blacksmith = W
Recruit = E

This way one can add in like 30-40 units with no risk of running out of hotkeys.

Honestly I think KaM single player is great as it is, but I missed the hotkeys most in multiplayer, because theres much more going on all the time, if you harass with 4 units in different places + try to build a base + make more units to harass. So the slow game becomes actually very fast, once you start playing more actively. And thats when you want hotkeys for everything.

For inspiration, this is some dude playing Warcraft III. The cameraman is filming his left hand which is dancing on the keyboard because the game has nice hotkeys. Of course I dont expect anyone to go that crazy :)



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Location: Finland

Post 09 Apr 2010, 14:13

Good suggestions.

I wonder if it's possible to add an ability to edit all game related hotkeys? I'd love that. If it's not, I'd prefer the logic based structure and unit hotkeys (and that could be the default hotkey layout if there was an ability to edit hotkeys).

I don't need any Ctrl + button combinations but I'm very intrested in mouse buttons, especially the extra buttons and scrolling (+ the scroll button, mouse3). I use to bind few very often used important hotkeys to extra mouse buttons which smooths gameplay a lot in other games. Is this possbile or am I asking for too much? :wink:



Posts: 111

Joined: 28 Mar 2010, 22:00

Post 09 Apr 2010, 17:36

It should be made then only as an option, since lots of mouses dont have extra buttons and the default important hotkeys shouldnt be there.



Posts: 104

Joined: 02 Feb 2009, 23:00

Location: Finland

Post 09 Apr 2010, 19:11

Well, I didn't want to mean it that way. Mouse buttons were just an extension of hotkey-editing idea.

I agree default layout shouldn't include extra mouse buttons unless there's a possibilty to have multiple hotkeys for same command. So it wouldn't cause any harm to people who don't have extra mouse buttons.

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