Winter battle tournament
I wanna to organize a 2v2 battle tournament. It starts on the 23rd of Janyary.
Main rules:
All games ore bo3. The final one - bo5
All result and replays of games must be in one post. You need stats and replay.
Game speed x1 by default, but if both teams agree to play on higher speed, they can. But x1 is a priority.
Map will be chosen by dota ban system, locations somewhere by random, somewhere pick them as in the rules.
Teams will play in groups (4 or 6 teams), and 2(4) teams will pass them and take a part in play-off.
Games only 2v2. You can't play 1v1 even is one player doesn't come.
I hope that every team will play a game once a 4-5 days. A fortiori, there are groups in the first stage, so you can play with 2 (4) teams excluding the team who can't play in that period of time, or just ignoring you. But definitive deadlines i'll set during the tournament.
Map list:
Battle in the Ruined City (13 vs 24)
Cross (random)
Snow Cross (random)
Rocky Mountains (14 vs 23)
Cursed Land (14 vs 23)
The King Says (13 vs 24)
Tundra (13 vs 24)
Lost City Struggle (random)
Icewind Valley (12 vs 34)
Ambushed (24 vs 35)
Sharks Islands (13 vs 24)
Sample of posting the results:
Team1 vs team2 (names of teams or names of players). It write one time
Who won? ( e.g. Team1)
Version of remake/original KaM ( ) (if you wanna to play another version, or developers will release new RC ( ))
It write for all games in series.
Give the replays names of maps which that game was played.
For registration just write here:
1). Name of a team
2). Players in team
3). Contacts
If you wanna to be a broadcaster of this tour, write here:
1). Your nickname
2). Your channel
3). Contacts.
Broadcaster can't take a part in the tour as a player.
NB! you can download replays and make a video with your comments. Then you, of course, can participate in this tournament.
Ready teams:
1). Roaming Spirits. Members: vovets1 & Flexo. Skype - vova08.03.98 and flexo837.
2). Brothers. Members: Syava & Chuma. Skype - slavik_skel and optimistikplus
3). The Bright Blade. Members: Kirelareus & David. Skype - kirelareus and kocsis1david
4). Faceless Knights. Members: Mercenary & Classic. Skype - kosta12 and andrey98834.
5). S&P. Members: Pablo & Sertask.. Skype - pasha93013 and sertask1
6). Quiet. Members: Nik7 & bublik New member - Pablo. Skype - pasha93013 and mark-a_pochtovay
7). The Outlaw Knights. Members: korotchenko & Ivan. Skype - artyom.korotchenko and coolvan-582
8). RvB - RuSSian VoDka is the BesT. Members: Grossmeister & Grandpa. Skype - oleg.feoktistov29 и danila-dan__1998.
9). Unknown Team. Members: Bratishka & Yan New member - Hun . Skype - daniilkorkin & batoevav
10). BucketHeads. Member: Vatrix & Siem. Skype: vatrix2, emails - &
11). IncertoTeam. Members: Gsfer & [7thHell]TAKA. Skype - gsferr & mushroom8613
12). ZS. Members: SLON & zyd. Skype - serg.slon93 & zydillo
Red means disqualification.
Players who is finding a team:
New: If your team must play, but one of the players can't, you can find a standin. BUT. Main rule - he can't be a standin if he takes a part in the tour in another team. He should write "standin" in his nickname (or a part of this word )
But this is a fill-in. If you want to replace one player in the team forever ( ), then write here his/her ( ) nickname and contacts.
Draw will be on the 23rd of Janyary at 18 CET. Watch it here =)
Result of the Draw
Groups. m/n. m - victories. n - games.
Roaming Spirits - 5/5
The Bright Blade - 4/5
Russian vodka is the Best - 0/5
Unknown team - 2/5
BucketHeads - 3/5
ZS - 1/5
IncertoTeam - 4/5
Brothers - 3/5
Faceless Knights - 2/5
S&P - 1/5
Quiet - 5/5
The Outlaw Knights - 0/5
My youtube channel -
Best wishes