Post 25 Jul 2013, 21:17 by Menszu
*hug* My man !
You need to give me this Victoria random generator, since I think Viki's have perhaps best mechanic of all eu series, but same as HoI are way more repeatable, it's obvious set of great powers. This might bring it to the next level of awesomness. However:
Viki I guess is to complicated for multi, I'm on pause half the time there, menaging all this trade, budget etc.
And CK2, well I played some multiplayer, but last time when I tried with friends to play competitively it's not that enjoyable. It worked like that:
Mine duke was mourdered first, and there was a child as only heir. Needles to speak child wasn't popular as a ruler, nor competent intrigue player, so he also get killed easly, so his brother, unpopular kadet branch of family and so the story ends xD However in it's defence I must say there was one big war, and it was epic, with many turns of action and balance, definetly great experience compared to dumb AI.
On the other hand I played with my girlfriend more roleplaying game, much slower and longer and it was very enjoyable, but I think here we should strive for quicker intense campaigns than playing a dollhouse ; )
So I guess HoI are cool with short timeframe, and posibility of playing smaler scenarios.
And the best is of course EU in my opinion, would be great to play with at least 6 players. The 4th was anounced to have good multiplayer support, so I hope we'll try it. And from what I saw from let's_play the new mechanics are awesome, and sightly resemble boardgame with more critical decisions.
Since I'll soon be off whole August going on excavations, I guess we wont organize it before it, so we can already plan EU4 session.
Puny lords starving your subjects, such weakness, shame on you...