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Cheating Single Player




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Post 15 Dec 2015, 02:30

Cheating Single Player

Hi, i'm just a casual player of KAM, and i don't play MP and if i play is with people that i know and have the same "skill" (cof* noob cof*) as me ^^, and while being mostly a SP the update with the A.I was the best ever thank you for that and improving the whole game itself is waaaayyy better than it was without losing much balance.

So the point is... i know there are cheats the common storehouse ones and even with the debugging but that's not what i was looking for or other players that have been searching.
I tried using CE 6.5 to try to get what i wanted, but since i'm a noob i can only search for exact numbers and not much more lool, the storehouse cheat gives us many resources of everything ok that's cool and all, BUT it isn't good for the fact that it makes a HUGE TRAFFIC JAM and also gives me a TON of resources i didn't want.

For example i just wanted tons of coal (if the map as a lot of gold and iron ore), or for example adding military items near barracks.

This in my opinion would make the game fun in that aspect on campaigns and such, i already use F11 to go to the A.I Storehouses and increase resources with the storehouse cheat or i train some builders in my allies and build some houses to help in production. But adding individually each resource as we want is way better and makes battles just epic.

I found this topic while i was searching for some help : ... sc&start=0

I searched in the forum but didn't saw any suggestion like this (or i'm just blind lol), so if there is another topic like this i'm sorry. And of course this is for SP.

P.S: By the way, why was the speed 2x or 2.5x removed from SP? now it's only normal or 3x (i know this is off-topic but would appreciate if anyone told me or if it is still in game thanks)


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Post 15 Dec 2015, 04:33

Re: Cheating Single Player

Great to hear :-)

Cheating KaM Remake with CE and alike tools is troublesome, because wares count is stored not only in the Store itself, but in a few other places which all need to be in sync.

P.S. You can change speedup assigned to F6-F7-F8 by tweaking values in KaM_Remake_Setting.ini
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Post 15 Dec 2015, 11:03

Re: Cheating Single Player

Thank you Krom for the speed tip, already adjusted it :) .

So in terms of that cheating option is hard to get implemented in the game. I just brought this up since i saw lewin saying you guys were open to suggestions regarding cheating options in SP, and this brings more balance than a full house ^^.

Well either way thank you for the reply, and if for any case there is a workaround to get this or you implement this in the game that would be awesome.


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Post 15 Dec 2015, 12:44

Re: Cheating Single Player

If you really want to you can edit the campaign maps yourself and increase stuff in the storehouse. That is all i know.
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Post 15 Dec 2015, 14:50

Re: Cheating Single Player

maybe create a script for the campaigns that look if the player is AI then locate the barracks and storehouse from said AI and have its resources increase by x amount of ticks?

Don't know if it is possible or easy to make.

Quoting your original post :"This in my opinion would make the game fun in that aspect on campaigns and such, i already use F11 to go to the A.I Storehouses and increase resources with the storehouse cheat or i train some builders in my allies and build some houses to help in production. But adding individually each resource as we want is way better and makes battles just epic.". I always let my "allied AI" win the game, making it so that they are more powerfull. TSK mission 7/14 cheat once to be able to create market, use that to expand & win. likewise for other SP maps&campaigns. I even remoddeled a SP mission so that there are 2 allied towns which will win the game within 20 hours. Although there isnt really any fun in that anymore, knowing that your allies are strong enough to win the game for you.


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Post 15 Dec 2015, 19:10

Re: Cheating Single Player

Personally I am a huge anti-CheatEngine person...
But personal stuff aside, it is made tough to "hack" the game into doing what you want via cheat engines. ( Thanks for that Krom, Lewin, Alex and the others. ;) )
If the game is too hard you might want to watch some other people playing the specific map you are playing to learn from their techniques.
I admit, it is not an easy game, but the whole genre exists of games that are tough to beat.

The only option you have, if you must cheat, is to change the mission script to shape it to your wishes.
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Post 16 Dec 2015, 05:27

Re: Cheating Single Player

Cheating in SP is fun, I agree. Sadly the engine has to be crafted in such a way that prevents CE from working on it. :-)
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Post 16 Dec 2015, 11:43

Re: Cheating Single Player

Personally I am a huge anti-CheatEngine person...
But personal stuff aside, it is made tough to "hack" the game into doing what you want via cheat engines. ( Thanks for that Krom, Lewin, Alex and the others. ;) )
If the game is too hard you might want to watch some other people playing the specific map you are playing to learn from their techniques.
I admit, it is not an easy game, but the whole genre exists of games that are tough to beat.

The only option you have, if you must cheat, is to change the mission script to shape it to your wishes.

It's not a matter of being hard or not, i already finished all campaigns so i have some skill at least lol, that's not the problem. This suggestion was to make KAM more fun without unbalancing with the full house or cause constant traffic jams of serfs due to the resources, that's not what this is about.

By using C.E is hard to get that as a normal person, that's why i suggested this here, i don't know if the developers could do this or not but the chance they can do it is bigger than me getting to work with C.E lol. So my only hope is that Krom and Lewin get this as an option in-game.

With this way you could expect:
Bigger battles - By adding single resources to you (like coal or iron ore) you can keep the village going as if it were "normal", and if you can add to the A.I as well that would be 5* (of course it's not fun if you are OP)
Resources - Just by adding this you could turn any campaign map to a different scenario without scripts or such things just a simple adding or remove single resources.
Could turn campaigns into a more challenging state - Again without scripts and such you can do this just adding resources to the A.I you can make it more challenging. (to anyone who want's it)

This it the point of this suggestion, again this is not about being hard or difficult to me, it's just an extension to some resources when they go out like coal / iron ore / gold ore / maybe stone etc... of course some would start with big resources it can be played like that also, but it can be applied in a more balanced way by just using it as an extension ;).


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Post 16 Dec 2015, 14:34

Re: Cheating Single Player

Not my thing and personally I wouldn't like it (Think about the people who would abuse it in MP (I agree, this can be filtered out)).
Just gives me this generic Bethesda and EA cheat console idea.. "Let's spam resources, lel"
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